Boater Quiz - Lingo
Key to Answers:1c, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8a, 9a, 10b
Boaters with whatever level of experience can set themselves apart with their own lingo. Test yourself with the meaning of these boating words.
1. Lazarette
a. A line knot for tying up to a pier
b. A tow bar for water skis
c. Storage space in a boat’s stern area
2. Stand-on vessel
a. Vessel that has the right-of-way
b. Vessel with standing room for more than one on the bridge
c. Vessel that gives way
3. Athwartships
a. Compartment in bow of small boat
b. Intersection between hull side and hull bottom
c. At right angles to the centerline of the boat
4. Bight
a. Distance between bottom of hull and water line
b. Main body of a vessel
c. The part of a rope between the end and the standing part on which a knot is formed
5. Bitter end
a. Last outing before storing the boat for winter
b. Last part of a rope or chain
c. Extreme aft part on a vessel
6. Chafing gear
a. Tubing or cloth wrapping to protect a line from chafing on a rough surface
b. Main gear in an outboard motor
c. Primary lock for mast of a sail
7. Cuddy
a. Structure projecting from shore
b. Knife for cutting lines
c. Small shelter cabin in a boat
8. Scuppers
a. Drain holes on deck, in bulwarks, or in the toe rail
b. Shutoff valve on drain pipes
c. Fish that swim near the surface
9. Clovehitch
a. A knot for temporarily fastening a line to a piling or a spar
b. Connection for attaching a rope for a water skier
c. Method of tying sails into place
10. Dolphin
a. A type of water skiing
b. A group of piles driven close together and bound into a single structure
c. A model name for a speedboat
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