Good Stuff: A collection of readily accessible information about
clean boating and environmental stewardship
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Dive Smart:
This fact sheet explains how to be an environmentally-responsible
Waste Management Plan for Recreational Boaters Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 151.57 requires
all oceangoing vessels 40 feet or more in length used in commerce
or equipped with a galley and berthing to have a written
waste management plan. This includes numbered and documented
recreational vessels operating seaward of the inland/international
demarcation line. All boaters may want to look at this
to evaluate things that they can do to improve clean boating!
The Captain or Person in Charge of the vessel is responsible
for ensuring that a written waste management plan is on board,
and that each person handling garbage follows that plan.
The plan must describe the vessel's procedures for collecting,
processing, storing and discharging garbage, and designate the
person who is in charge of carrying out the plan. Remember,
garbage (including food wastes) may not be thrown overboard
on inland waters or in the ocean within three miles of land.
Plastics may not be thrown overboard anywhere. In addition,
33 CFR 151.59 requires that all vessels 26 feet or greater in
length have a MARPOL Annex V placard prominently displayed for
the crew and passengers regardless of whether your boat operates
on inland waters or the ocean.
Other USCG Products - available in single quantities
from Commandant (G-MOR-1), U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 Second St.,
S.W., Washington DC 20593-0001, e-mail.
Our Water Planet (pamphlet) -- Striking color
pictures of animal entanglement and shoreline debris convey
the environmental protection message in this pamphlet.
Includes advice for boaters and beach-goers.
How's the Water (pamphlet) -- The citizen pollution
report form introduce the issues of water pollution and
the importance of citizen reporting. Provides guidance
in citizen pollution reporting and information gathering.
Help Us Protect the Marine Environment (pamphlet)
-- This black-and-white pamphlet contains very basic information
on marine pollution as well as a citizen report form for
reporting pollution incidents to the National Response Center.
Tips to Keep Your Boat in Top Shape (pamphlet)
-- Written for the "do-it-yourself" boater, the "Tip Top"
brochure offers ways to protect the water environment while
cleaning, sanding, painting, or performing general maintenance
on a boat.
Your Ticket to an Environmentally Safe Boat Trip (pamphlet)
-- Presented in a large, colorful format, this brochure
introduces several boating safety tips and explains why
these same safety tips can also help protect the water environment.
Water Watch (booklet) -- Produced by the National
Marine Manufacturers Association, this 16-page booklet provides
environmental advice to boaters on a variety of topics.
Popeye Poster -- A colorful poster showing the
cartoon character Popeye advising people not to throw their
trash overboard.
Report Marine Pollution Sticker -- A 3" x 6" sticker
with the Coast Guard "racing stripe" logo and the National
Response Center 1-800 number for reporting pollution incidents.
Peel-off backing also contains MARPOL dumping restrictions
Turning the Tide on Trash: A Learning Guide on
Marine Debris - published by the EPA; a variety of suggested
activities adaptable for grades 1 through 10; available
in English or Spanish
Officer Snook Hands-On Minds-On Activity Book
– water pollution-related activities and crafts for elementary
school children.
EPA's Students for the Environment - Activities and information for kids
and teachers about environmental topics such as water pollution,
recycling, and global warming. Games, art projects, stories,
science experiments, and much more help kids learn to make the
earth a cleaner place to live.
US Coast Guard Sea Partners
Environmental education and outreach program focused on communities
to develop awareness of maritime pollution issues and to improve
compliance with marine environmental protection laws and regulations;
links related to marine debris, small spills, clean boating
practices, and kids and teacher resources.
The Management Magazine for the Recreational Marine Industry.
Searchable for current industry news and information, communications
with industry professionals, product and services information,
current and past issues of Boating Industry magazine, Internet
resources and links to other sites, specific tools for use in
your business, advertising and subscription.
Oil Water and Chocolate
This Web site is not about chocolate
mousse (a name given to a particular combination of oil and
water that sometimes forms when oil is spilled), but it does
apply to clean boating and provides information about oil, oil
spills, and measures you can take to prevent or minimize the
effect of a spill.
Center for Marine Conservation
Searchable for "boats" on clean up campaigns, youth educational
activities on boats and the environment.
Florida Clean Vessel Act Home Page
Program overview, frequently asked questions, project list,
program objectives and accomplishment schedule, a map of Clean
Vessel Act grant applicants, an interactive map of CVA Partnership
Projects, marina services and locations of sewage pumpouts,
on-line request form for application package and further information,
information on the proposed Clean Marina Program, and the Florida
marinas database.
Association of Marina Industries
Is a non-profit membership organization dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of the marina industry.
Marine Retailers Association of America
National trade association representing marine dealers, marina
operators, and other marine related businesses, includes legislative
alerts, organization profile, membership information, link to
"BoatFacts", a resource for information on boats and boating.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Searchable for information on fisheries, bays, streams, wildlife,
parks land, trees, forests, the outdoors, science, education,
services and news updates in the state of Maryland.
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
A coalition of citizens and organizations concerned about the
health of Puget Sound, programs and events, volunteer opportunities,
partnerships and newsletters.
Rhode Island Sea Grant
RI Sea Grant has excellent publications on line about marina
and boating environmental management, including fact sheets
on sanding and painting, vessel sewage, bilges and fueling,
engine maintenance, and vessel cleaning and fish waster; also
good information on Narrgansett Bay and its ecosystem; searchable
The National Sea Grant Program
also has many good books, posters and videos that you can order
or borrow via Interlibrary loan
University of Wisconsin
"Educating Young People About Water"; summary of 100 reviewed
curricula in the Guide to Goals and Resources to help develop
a community-based, youth water education program that targets
youth and links key community members in partnerships.
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Clean Vessel Act
Information on the CVA program which provides matching federal
grants through the states for installation of pumpout and dump
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Nonpoint Source Pollution Information Exchange: NEWS-NOTES on
the condition of the water-related environment, the control
of nonpoint sources of water pollution, and the management and
restoration of watersheds.
US Environmental Protection Agency, Index of Watershed
Maps and information about watersheds nationwide.