B. Water Quality
Assessment Management Measure
Assess water quality as part of marina siting and
This management measure is intended to be applied by
States to new and expanding marinas. Under the Coastal
Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990, States are subject to a
number of requirements as they develop coastal nonpoint source
programs in conformity with this measure and will have some
flexibility in doing so. The application of management measures by
States is described more fully in Coastal Nonpoint Pollution
Control Program: Program Development and Approval Guidance,
published jointly by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the
U.S. Department of Commerce.
2. Description
Assessments of water quality may be used to
determine whether a proposed marina design will result in poor water
quality. This may entail predevelopment and/or postdevelopment
monitoring of the marina or ambient waters, numerical or physical
modeling of flushing and water quality characteristics, or both. Cost
impacts may preclude a detailed water quality assessment for marinas
with 10 to 49 slips (See Economic Impacts of EPA Guidance
Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in
Coastal Waters.) A preconstruction inspection and assessment can
still be expected, however. Historically, water quality assessments
have focused on two parameters: dissolved oxygen (DO) and pathogen
indicators. The problems resulting from low DO in surface waters have
been recognized for over a century. The impacts of low DO
concentrations are reflected in an unbalanced ecosystem, fish
mortality, and odor and other aesthetic nuisances. DO levels may be
used as a surrogate variable for the general health of the aquatic
ecosystem (Thomann and Mueller, 1987). Coastal States use pathogen
indicators, such as fecal coliform bacteria (Escherichia coli)
and enterococci, as a surrogate variable for assessing risk to public
health through ingestion of contaminated water or shellfish (USEPA,
1988) and through bathing (USEPA, 1986).
Dissolved Oxygen. Three
important factors support the use of DO as an indicator of water
quality associated with marinas. First, low DO is considered to pose a
significant threat to aquatic life. For example, fish and invertebrate
kills due to low DO are well known and documented (Cardwell and Koons,
1981). Second, DO is among the few variables that have been measured
historically with any consistency. A historical water quality baseline
is extremely useful for predicting the impacts of a proposed marina.
Third, DO is fundamentally important in controlling the structure and,
in some areas, the productivity of biological communities.
Pathogen Indicators.
Marinas in the vicinity of harvestable shellfish beds represent
potential sources for bacterial contamination of the shellfish. Siting
and construction of a marina or other potential source of human sewage
contiguous to beds of shellfish may result in closure of these beds.
Also, nearby beaches and waters used for bathing should be considered.
Fecal coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli,
and enterococci are used as indicators of the pathogenic organisms
(viruses, bacteria, and parasites) that may be present in sewage.
These indicator organisms are used because no reliable and
cost-effective test for pathogenic organisms exists. Water quality
assessments can be used to ensure that water quality standards
supporting a designated use are not exceeded. For example, in waters
approved for shellfish harvesting, a marina water quality assessment
could be used to document potential fecal coliform concentrations in
the water column in excess of the standard of 14 organisms MPN (most
probable number) per 100 milliliters of water. This standard should
not be exceeded in areas where the exceedance would result in the
closure of harvestable or productive shellfish beds. Many States have
adopted EPA's 1986 ambient water quality criteria for bacteria, which
recommend E. coli and enterococci as indicators of pathogens
for freshwater and marine bathing.
3. Management Measure Selection
Selection of this measure was based on the
widespread use and proven effectiveness of water quality assessments
in the siting and design of marinas. The North Carolina Department of
Environmental Management conducted a postdevelopment study to
characterize the water quality conditions of several marinas and to
provide data that can be used to evaluate future marina development (NCDEM,
1990). The sampling program demonstrated that marina water quality
monitoring studies are effective at assessing potential water quality
impacts from coastal marinas. Water quality assessments have been used
successfully at a variety of other proposed marina locations
nationwide to determine potential water quality impacts (USEPA,
1992b). Many States require water quality assessments of proposed
marina development (Appendix 5A). Marinas with 10 to 49 slips may not
be able to afford monitoring or modeling. (See Economic Impacts of
EPA Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint
Pollution in Coastal Waters.) In such instances a preconstruction
inspection and assessment can still be performed. Dredging requires a
River and Harbor Act section 10 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE). If there is discharge into waters of the United
States after dredging, then a CWA section 404 permit is required. A
CWA section 401 Water Quality Certification is required from the State
before a section 404 permit is issued by the USACE.
4. Practices
As discussed more fully at the beginning of this
chapter and in Chapter 1, the following practices are described for
illustrative purposes only. State programs need not require
implementation of these practices. However, as a practical matter, EPA
anticipates that the management measure set forth above generally will
be implemented by applying one or more management practices
appropriate to the source, location, and climate. The practices set
forth below have been found by EPA to be representative of the types
of practices that can be applied successfully to achieve the
management measure described above.
Two effective techniques are available to evaluate
water quality conditions for proposed marinas. In the first technique,
a water quality monitoring program that includes predevelopment,
during-development, and postdevelopment phases can be used to assess
the water quality impacts of a marina. In the second approach,
effective assessment can be accomplished through numerical modeling
that includes predevelopment and postconstruction model applications.
Numerical modeling can be used to study impacts
associated with several alternatives and to select an optimum marina
design that avoids and minimizes impacts to both water quality and
habitats existing at the site (e.g., Rive St. Johns Canal study and
Willbrook Island marina). A combination of field surveys and numerical
modeling studies may be necessary to identify all environmental
concerns and to avoid or minimize marina impacts on both water quality
conditions and nearby shellfish habitat.
a. Use a water quality monitoring methodology to
predict postconstruction water quality conditions.
A primary objective for use of a water quality
assessment is to ensure that the 24-hour average dissolved oxygen
concentration and the 1-hour (or instantaneous) minimum dissolved
oxygen concentration both inside the proposed marina and in adjacent
ambient waters will not violate State water quality standards or
preclude designated uses.
The first step in a marina water quality assessment
should be the evaluation and the characterization of existing water
quality conditions. Before an analysis of the potential impacts of
future development is made, it should be determined whether current
water quality is acceptable, marginal, or substandard. The best way to
assess existing water quality is to measure it. Acceptable water
quality data may already have been collected by various government
organizations. Candidate organizations include the U.S. Geological
Survey, the USACE, State and local water quality control and
monitoring agencies, and engineering and oceanographic departments of
local universities.
The second step in a marina water quality assessment
is to set design standards in terms of water quality. In most States,
the water quality is graded based on DO content, and a standard exists
for the 24-hour average concentration and an instantaneous minimum
concentration. A State's water quality standard for DO during the
critical season may be used to set limits of acceptability for good
water quality.
The best way to assess marina impacts on water
quality is to design a sampling strategy and physically measure
dissolved oxygen levels. During the sampling, sediment oxygen demand
and other data that may be used to estimate dissolved oxygen levels
using numerical modeling procedures can be collected (USEPA, 1992c,
1992d). A postdevelopment field program may include dye-release and/or
drogue-release studies (to verify circulation patterns) and a water
quality monitoring program. Data collected from such studies may be
used to assist in the prediction of water quality or circulation at
other potential marina sites.
Sampling programs are effective methods to evaluate
the potential water quality impacts from proposed marinas. The main
objective of a preconstruction sampling program is to characterize the
water surrounding the area in the vicinity of the proposed marina.
Another objective of a preconstruction sampling program is to provide
necessary information for modeling investigations (e.g., Tetra Tech,
b. Use a water quality modeling methodology to
predict postconstruction water quality conditions.
Water quality monitoring can be expensive, and
therefore a field monitoring approach may not be practical. The use of
a numerical model may be the most economical alternative. However, all
models require some field data for proper calibration. A better and
more cost-effective approach would be a combination of both water
quality monitoring and numerical modeling (Tetra Tech, 1988).
Modeling techniques are used to predict flushing
time and pollutant concentrations in the absence of site-specific
data. A distinct advantage of numerical models over monitoring studies
is the ability to easily perform sensitivity analyses to establish a
set of design criteria. Limits of water quality acceptability,
flushing rates, and sedimentation rates must be known before
quantifying the limit of geometric parameters to comply with these
standards. Numerical models can be used to evaluate different
alternative designs to determine the configuration that would provide
for maximum flushing of pollutants. Models can also be used to perform
sensitivity analysis on the selected optimum design.
In 1982, preconstruction numerical modeling studies
were conducted to investigate whether a proposed marina in South
Carolina would meet the State water quality standards after
construction. Modeling results indicated that the proposed Wexford
Marina would meet water quality standards (Cubit Engineering, 1982).
The marina was approved and constructed. Follow-up monitoring studies
were conducted to evaluate preconstruction model predictions (USEPA,
1986). The monitoring results indicated that shellfish harvesting
standards were being met, thereby validating the preconstruction
modeling study.
EPA Region 4 recently completed an in-depth report
on marina water quality models (USEPA, 1992c). The primary focus of
the study was to provide guidance for selection and application of
computer models for analyzing the potential water quality impacts
(both DO and pathogen indicators) of a marina. EPA reviewed a number
of available methods and classified them into three categories: simple
methods, mid-range models, and complex models. Simple methods are
screening techniques that provide only information on the average
conditions in the marina. Screening methods do not provide spatial or
time-varying water quality predictions, and therefore it is
recommended that these methods be used with open marina designs and/or
marinas sited in areas characterized by good flushing rates and good
water quality conditions (USEPA, 1992c). In addition, simple models
are not suitable where marina flushing is controlled by the prevailing
wind, requiring the application of more advanced models, such as
In poorly flushed areas and in marinas with a
complex design, a more advanced method will identify those areas where
water quality standards may be violated. The complex methods are also
capable of predicting spatial and time-variant water quality
conditions and provide the complete water quality picture inside a
proposed marina. In general, advanced models are more effective and
more appropriate than simple screening methods in assessing
environmental impacts associated with marina siting and design (USEPA,
Costs associated with applying a numerical model or
conducting a water quality monitoring program range from 0.1 to 2.0
percent of the total marina development project cost.
5-2 (14k) provides cost information by marina, size, State,
and year built. These factors should all be considered when comparing
a particular cost associated with a specific item. For example, costs
associated with the water quality monitoring program for Barbers Point
Harbor and Marina complex were estimated at $56,000. On the other
hand, the cost of the water quality monitoring program for the Beacons
Reach marina, North Carolina, was $3,000. It was only when a full
environmental assessment was conducted (e.g., North Point and Barbers
Point marina complex) that costs were higher. In addition, several
models have been recommended as appropriate tools to assess potential
water quality impacts from coastal marinas (USEPA, 1992c, 1992d). The
cost associated with applying the simple model is on the order of
$1,000, whereas the cost associated with the advanced model is in the
range of $25,000 to $100,000. Siting and design practices to reduce
environmental impacts were frequently part of a larger
design/environmental study. Costs for a total environmental assessment
of a proposed marina ranged from 1 percent to 5 percent of the total
project cost.
c. Perform preconstruction inspection and
A preconstruction inspection and assessment may be
affordable in place of detailed water quality monitoring or modeling
for marinas with 10 to 49 slips. The River and Harbor Act of 1899
section 10 and Clean Water Act section 404 permit application process
requires applicants to present to the USACE information necessary for
a water quality assessment. An expert knowledgeable in water quality
and hydrodynamics may assess potential impacts using available
information and site inspection.