So You Want To Be A Captain? Where Can I Take My Captain’s License Exam?Source: Mariners Learning System, By Captain Bob Figular After you completed the Mariners Learning System coursework, you will need to take our proctored exam in order to get your captain’s license, master license, etc. Mariners Learning System has USCG-approved testing facilities all over the county. Once you complete and pass the exam, you will receive a MLS Certificate of Completion. This Certificate of Completion is accepted as a substitute to taking the corresponding USCG exams. To find one of our Coast Guard approved locations and corresponding test dates, go to http://www.marinerslearningsystem.com/testing-locations.html. Here, you can locate the state you reside or the one closest to you. You will know if we have a testing location in your state if it’s colored in blue. Remember that it’s important to register early. It will guarantee you a seat as spaces fill up quickly and registration closes within fourteen days of the exam. Those that are still listed within fourteen days mean that you can still register for that time. You will need your electronic confirmation form when you arrive for test day. Besides the exam enrollment form, you will need your online final exam completion letters and USCG- recognized photo identification. Here is a list of those that are acceptable:
Once you have those items settled, all you have to worry about is the exam. There are no worries here. When you successfully completed your Mariners Learning System coursework and lessons, the exam will be a breeze. Happy Testing! |