Is There a Captain’s License Under Your TreeSource: Mariners Learning System, By Captain Bob Figular The holiday season is here. One of the most popular items on many people’s wish lists this holiday season is sure to be a tablet of some kind. Apple’s iPad 2 is the most popular tablet in the market today, but as the less-expensive Amazon Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet start coming out, more individuals should become tablet owners. For those out there who are seeking their captain’s license, a tablet can be an excellent tool to help you make the grade. The Mariners Learning System is not only available on your desktop pc or laptop; it’s available on your Blackberry, Android, iPhone, iPod, and tablets. There are many different ways to access the internet today. Our mariners school software caters to these different methods in order to help you access and absorb our captain’s license material. At the end of the day, no matter what your situation, you should be able to learn the necessary information to pass your examination and receive your license. Unlike the traditional classroom, you can access the Mariners Learning System any time of the day and learn the material on your own time. Since we have moved to an exclusive online school, our students have remarked on the ease and convenience of online learning. Our coursework is a combination of different pedagogical approaches including lecture audio, video, and traditional text. If you’ve always thought about getting your captain’s license but weren’t sure you had the time or means, rethink your options with Mariners Learning System. Just as tablets and mobile devices are redefining how we look at the internet, Mariners Learning System is changing how mariners get their license. |